RELEASE 9/27/24: New Initiative Launches to Bolster Support for Local Abortion Funds 

The Frontline Repro Freedom Lab Provides Resources to Abortion Funds in Red and Purple States; Calls on Philanthropic Institutions and Donors to Do the Same 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE–In response to escalating challenges facing local abortion funds in the aftermath of the fall of Roe v. Wade, a new initiative, the Frontline Repro Freedom Lab (FRFL), has launched to provide critical funding and resources to abortion funds in neglected states. In an exclusive published this week in The New Republic,  FRFL announced its first lab, which includes partnerships with the Arkansas Abortion Support Network, Prairie Abortion Fund and the Wild West Access Fund of Nevada. 

In addition to providing funding and resources to abortion funds, FRFL’s first lab seeks to address the need for equitable abortion access in states where state laws severely restrict abortion access, elevate how abortion funds meet the growing demand for services with little financial support, and call on the philanthropic community to invest in safeguarding and expanding abortion access.

“At a moment when help is needed more than ever, we cannot continue to pretend that access to abortion is not a solvable problem, even as we work on advancing legal protections in statehouses, courts and Congress,” said Sarah Higginbotham, Co-Founder and Founding Director of Frontline Repro Freedom Lab. “The appalling truth is that this country already has the resources and ingenuity to make sure everyone that needs an abortion can get one in this challenging legal climate–it’s just not a priority. That’s what we hope to shift. In addition to developing scalable capacity building tactics with our cohort, we also want to start a larger conversation with funders about erasing the arbitrary and inequitable line between political efforts and direct service. It’s not only the just thing to do, it’s smart movement building.” 

During their inaugural lab, FRFL is supporting and collaborating with three abortion funds, providing critical care for more than five states. The Arkansas Abortion Support Network, the Prairie Abortion Fund, and the Wild West Access Fund of Nevada will receive grants, resources, and hands-on technical assistance to maximize their impact, build their respective organizational capacity, and create opportunities to collectively call for deeper and more sustainable investment.  

 Karen Musick, Acting Director, Arkansas Abortion Support Network:

“We are extremely passionate about the work that AASN does, which includes procedure, travel funding, and running a pregnancy resource center.  Due to the work of our small but scrappy team, we have been able to support thousands since 2016. After our state banned abortion entirely in 2022, the need for access to funds has grown exponentially.  We are still the same small and scrappy team committed to helping those who need it but the need is so high, we cannot do it alone. FRFL is helping to fill that gap to increase our reach–and funding is needed now more than ever. Arkansas is an economically poor state and the lack of access hits marginalized communities especially hard here. What’s less celebrated about states in the Deep South is that we’re also very well resourced with community leaders who are committed to fighting and experts at creative solutions to help our communities.

“The recent rejection by the state’s election officials of 100,000 signatures for an abortion ban-reversal measure tells us everything we need to know right now about abortion in Arkansas: Firstly, that Arkansans support reproductive freedom; and secondly, that the political realities of our state mean we cannot wait for policy change and we must find another way to deliver access for the foreseeable future. There’s no blueprint for what the fight for abortion care will look like next, but the status quo isn’t cutting it. We need more collaboration, more experimentation, and we need it now.”

Macy Haverda, Executive Director, Wild West Access Fund of Nevada:

“The  failure to prioritize fully funding access to abortion care–especially in this moment, as we all fight for legality–is a political failing, as well as an equity one. Abortion funds see everyday how these failings impact those already most marginalized and it’s why we’re doing our best to fill in for policy failures like abortion bans, inadequate healthcare coverage, and lack of equitable access. 

“Nevada is well funded for political work, but when it comes to actually accessing the rights codified in state law? There’s significantly less invested in Nevada than states on the west and east coasts, and even some red states. This is a solvable problem right now. We are glad to have FRFL as a partner supporting our work to change the conversation, providing immediate practical help and pushing for more equitable and sustainable funding mechanisms in the long term.”

Destini Spaeth, Care & Advocacy Coordinator, Prairie Abortion Fund:

 “Prairie Abortion Fund is run by volunteers, and the time it takes to manage the organization, on top of navigating the hostile abortion landscape with our callers, has left us with very little capacity to do much else. Partnering with FRFL has allowed us to off-load tasks to the FRFL team, ask for their guidance on communication strategies, and collaborate with their team on new ways to engage with our community and donors. PAF will continue to utilize skills learned in the lab long after our time together is over. 

“This is a replicable model: I’d wholly encourage folks with expertise in an area–graphic design, finance, communications, etc.– to offer their skill and time to their local abortion fund. The reality of a post-Dobbs country is that we have to be collaborative, intentional, and creative to get people the abortions they need and support the organizations making it possible. Keep showing up. We need support now, and well-past this election cycle. Those of us operating in abortion-hostile states understand that the outlook is bleak for abortion seekers, regardless of who is president.”

At the conclusion of this inaugural lab, FRFL and its cohort of abortion funds will host a webinar for philanthropic institutions and donors sharing best practices and ways in which they can partner with local abortion funds to maintain abortion access across the United States. They’ll also share learnings and opportunities for greater collaboration with movement organizations at the local and national levels.

FRFL was co-founded in 2023 by Sarah Jane Higginbotham, Valerie Jean-Charles and Emma Davidson Tribbs in recognition of the post-Dobbs crisis and with a desire for the movement for reproductive freedom to be more equitable, strategic and collaborative. They are all actively involved as advisors in the current lab, along with Mia Logan, and bring decades of robust experience in national and state level advocacy, movement building and organizational leadership.


FRFL partners with advocates on the frontlines of the fight for reproductive freedom to co-create and execute strategies that will improve access now in states and build a stronger movement across the country. Our labs incubate and experiment to develop scalable strategies that address gaps in the movement, build greater capacity, and foster more inclusive progress. We strive for Reproductive Justice as defined by Sister Song.  Learn more about our current lab and ways to get involved at


9/26/24: THE NEW REPUBLIC: How Abortion Funds Are Feeling in an Election-Year Money Crunch